GridPP PMB Minutes 60 - 9th December 2002 ========================================= Present: Dave Britton, Tony Cass, Steve Lloyd, Nick Brook, Steve Fisher (part only by phone) Apologies: Pete Clarke, Robin Middleton, Tony Doyle, John Gordon, Roger Barlow Two amendments were made to last week's minutes - 'DB said he would check with NB & RB before making changes to the likelihood element of Sudden Lost of Key Staff' was changed to 'DB said he would change it to 1 & 3 and notify NB & RB'. RM was to provide something on middleware for the Long Term Planning Document and not RB as minuted. 'TD said he had sent SL info on Replica Management' was changed to 'TD said he would send SL info on Replica Management.' JG joined briefly to say he would be unable to attend the meeting as he was listening in to a phone conference at CERN but added that Steve Fisher would be phoning SL to discuss the UK running the EDG development testbed. The meeting started with discussion on some points raised in an email sent by JG to the board. The first point in the email (a) was concerning the LCG1 draft rollout schedule which the project is keen to participate in. There was a problem in that this may clash or interfere with other experiments - datachallenges etc. so it was decided that NB would discuss this at the joint EB/TB meeting next Monday. NEW ACTION 60.1 : JG to provide NB with input on the estimate of the possible impact of LCG1 draft rollout on RAL. Steve Fisher phoned at this point to discuss the development testbed (b) and said Bob Jones said there was interest in the UK downloading integrated work. The plan would be to set up testbeds in the UK and start the Rollout when nothing else is being tested. The requirement would be 3 or 4 sites and would be run on a best effort basis. It was agreed by the board that it was in their own interest to be involved but to talk to those it would concern eg. Dave Colling? WP6 people? to make sure that it would not interfere with other work. It was also decided that JG should do a full assessment of the proposal before taking this matter further. NEW ACTION 60.2 : JG to provide PMB with feedback from SF & BJ regarding the proposal to run the EDG development testbed. (c) The board were unsure as to what spreadsheet JG was referring to. (d) No comment from the board on recruitment/retention. (e) The board agreed that the GridPP tutorials in Edinburgh had gone well and more should be planned for next year. DB said he had received the last of the input for the Risk Register from Dave Kelsey and it was now almost finished. He said he would circulate the completed version this afternoon to the PMB to make any final changes. DB also asked that everyone check the 'Actions Required' box on the risk action sheet and to be absolutely sure that they are happy with what they have written here before he finalises it. As he will be out of the country from Thursday, it is his intention to send the Risk Register to SL by 11th December who will then send it on to the OC by 15th December. DB will explain to the OC that this will be a dynamic representation of the project risks and changes will take place from time to time. He will also ask the OC to suggest any risks which the board have not included so that we can be made aware of them in advance of the next OC. SL said NB had sent a summary of the EB return for the Long Term Planning document, but he needed more detail. NB said he would add it to the agenda for the meeting next week to discuss whether the EB would be in full agreement to have detailed information disclosed but SL said the document would be for internal purposes only. SL said he was still waiting on information on middleware. DB then discussed the next face to face PMB meeting regarding the problems encountered in trying to locate a suitable venue. He asked if people were happy to meet at various locations throughout the year and also how did they feel about meeting in Glasgow from time to time. No one was against meeting in Glasgow except TC and this was only because he had already booked his next airline ticket for London as it had been expected that the meeting would take place there. DB therefore asked BS to contact Sharon at PPARC to see if she could book a room at MRC. SL said a new member of staff called Roney Cordenonsi had started working in WP3 today. NB said that EDG submissions for the abstracts for the CF3 conference had to be in by 21st December. The next PMB meeting will be re-scheduled to another date as the joint EB/TB meeting will be taking place next Monday. Review of Actions ================= SI-2: SL said he was waiting on TD sending him something on Replica Location. NEW ACTION 60.3 : TD to send SL information on Replica Location. SI-3 : SL said that more meeting dates have been put on the web. Actions ======== ACTION 35.4 : TD to contact sites which do not yet have a "green dot". - ongoing ACTION 37.3 : JG to review deputy job description. - ongoing ACTION 40.36: DB check and pull together risk assessments. - ongoing but almost complete ACTION 53.1 : RB to generate financial requirements for Babar. - ongoing - NB will urge RB to do this ACTION 56.1 : SL to put the Long Term Planning information together. - ongoing - (see ACTION 59.1) ACTION 57.3 : RM to email UK HEP Grid about the PPARC ruling on travel. - ongoing ACTION: 59.1 - NB, PC & RM to provide further information to SL for Long Term Planning document. Also required is a more detailed breakdown of Tier-1 staff from JG. - ongoing ACTION 60.1 : JG to provide NB with an input on the estimate of the possible impact of LCG1 draft rollout on RAL. - ongoing ACTION 60.2 : JG to provide PMB with feedback from SF & BJ regarding the proposal to run the EDG development testbed. - ongoing ACTION 60.3 : TD to send SL information on Replica Location. - ongoing ACTIONS AS AT 9TH DECEMBER 2002 ================================ Standing Items ============== SI-1 : ALL : Continual review/improvement/update of the GridPP website. SI-2 : ALL : to provide any new items to SL (who will pass on to PPARC). SI-3 : ALL : supply SL/TD with meeting dates for the web page. SI-4 : EB & TB to improve their areas of the web. Actions ======== ACTION 35.4 : TD to contact sites which do not yet have a "green dot". ACTION 37.3 : JG to review deputy job description. ACTION 40.36: DB check and pull together risk assessments. ACTION 53.1 : RB to generate financial requirements for Babar. ACTION 56.1 : SL to put the Long Term Planning information together. ACTION 57.3 : RM to email UK HEP Grid about the PPARC ruling on travel. ACTION 59.1 : NB, PC & RM to provide further information to SL for Long Term Planning document. Also required is a more detailed breakdown of Tier-1 staff from JG. ACTION 60.1 : JG to provide NB with an input on the estimate of the possible impact of LCG1 draft rollout on RAL. ACTION 60.2 : JG to provide PMB with feedback from SF & BJ regarding the proposal to run the EDG development testbed. ACTION 60.3 : TD to send SL information on Replica Location.